
AI1年前 (2023)发布 aixure
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导读:围棋,英语可以用 Weiqi 或源自日语的 Go 表示。例如:1. 围棋是有3000年历史的中国棋盘游戏,被认为比国际象棋复杂得多。Weiqi, also known as Go, is a 3,000-year-old Chinese board game and is considered to be a lot more complex than chess. 2. 在…

围棋,英语可以用 Weiqi 或源自日语的 Go 表示。例如:1. 围棋是有3000年历史的中国棋盘游戏,被认为比国际象棋复杂得多。Weiqi, also known as Go, is a 3,000-year-old Chinese board game and is considered to be a lot more complex than chess.

2. 在一盘围棋中,两名棋手轮流在网格状棋盘下子,以在棋盘上获得更多的地盘。一名棋手可以通过包围对手的棋子,占领地盘。In a game of Go,two players take turns to put markers on a grid-shaped board to gain more areas on it. One can occupy the markers of the opponent by surrounding the pieces of the other.

3. 围棋不同于每着棋可以提供最多40种选择的西方国际象棋,它涉及高达200种选择。Unlike the Western game of chess, where each move affords a maximum of 40 options, Weiqi entails up to 200 choices.

4. 围棋是一种古老的需要战略的棋盘游戏,其胜负不仅由巧妙的算计,而且由棋手的个性、情绪和感情所决定。Weiqi is an old strategic board game, and the result is decided not just by ingenious calculations, but also by the players' personalities, moods and feelings.

人机大战 ,英语可以译为 match between human and computer, human- computer competition。例如:5. 谷歌的计算机程序 阿尔法围棋 在历史性五盘人机大战中击败了它的人类对手 韩国的世界围棋冠军李世石。Google's computer program AlphaGo defeated its human opponent, South Korean's world Go champion Lee Se-dol, in the historic five-game match between human and computer.

6. 当解读 阿尔法围棋 与李世石对弈这样的人机大战结果时,我们应该非常小心。We should be very careful when interpreting the result of such human-computer competitions as the match between AlphaGo and Lee Se-dol.

与计算机对弈 ,英语可以译为 to play against a computer。例如:7. 与计算机对弈完全不同于跟一个真人对手交战。Playing against a computer is completely different from an actual human opponent.▲



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