黄仁勋专访:从洗碗工,到 AI 教父

人物报道7个月前发布 aixure
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导读:英伟达的老黄在斯坦福接受了一个采访,信息量很大,包括公司治理和人工智能发展,及「如黑夹克缺货,你穿什么」的尖锐问题,我给翻译了下,并逐行改了3遍。 主持人: 老黄,太荣幸了!谢谢你能来 Jensen, this is such an honor. Thank you for being here….




Jensen, this is such an honor. Thank you for being here.



I’m delighted to be here. Thank you.


为了纪念您重返斯坦福,我想我们可以从您初次离开时刻开始讨论。那时您加入了 LSI Logic,这家公司当时特别火!


In honor of your return to Stanford, I decided we’d start talking about the time when you first left, you joined LSI Logic, and that was one of the most exciting companies at the time. You’re building a phenomenal reputation with some of the biggest names in tech, and yet you decide to leave to become a founder. What motivated you?



当我还是一名工程师时,克里斯和柯蒂斯在 Sun 工作。我有幸与包括安迪贝克托斯海姆在内的一些计算机科学界最杰出的人物一起工作,共同开发了工作站、图形工作站等等。

Chris and Curtis, Chris and Curtis, I was an engineer atlogic and Chris and Curtis were at Sun and I was working with, with, some of the brightest minds in computer science at the time of all time, including Andy bektosheim and others building, building work stations and graphics workstations and so on and so forth.


有一天,克里斯和柯蒂斯说他们想离开 Sun,并希望我能想出他们下一步该做什么。

虽然我当时已有一份很棒的工作,但他们坚持要与我一起创立一家公司。因此,每当他们来访时,我们就会在 Danny’s 餐厅聚会。顺便提一句,那是我母校,也是我创立的第一家公司,在成为 CEO 之前,我的第一份工作是洗碗工。

And Chris and Curtis, said one day that they like to leave Sun and they like me to go figure out what they’re going to go be for and, I had a great job, but they insisted that I figure out, you know, with them how to, how to build a company. And so, so we hung out of Danny’s whenever they drop by and, which was, which is, by the way, my Alma martyr, my first company, you know, my first job before for before CEO was a, was a dishwasher.



总之,我们聚在一起,那是在微处理器革命期间,大约在 1992 年到 1993 年间,PC 革命刚刚开始。那时候,革命性的 Windows 95 显然还未上市,奔腾处理器甚至还没宣布。

所以,这一切都是在 PC 革命之前。显然,微处理器将会非常重要。我们想,为什么不创立一家公司,来解决普通计算机无法解决的问题呢?这就成了公司的使命制造一种类型的计算机,解决普通计算机无法解决的问题。直到今天,我们依然专注于此。如果你看看我们因此而开拓的市场,你会发现,像计算药物设计、天气模拟、材料设计等问题,都是我们非常自豪的成就。

And so, and I did that very well and so anyways, we got together and we just, and then was during the microprocessor revolution, this is 19 ninetythree and 19 ninetytwo when we’re getting together, the PC revolution was just getting going. You know, that Windows 95 obviously, which is the revolutionary version of Windows, didn’t even come to the market yet, and Pentium wasn’t even announced yet. And so it’s, and this is, this is all before the right before the PC revolution. And it was, it was pretty clear that that, the microprocessor was going to be very important. And we thought, you know, why don’t we build a company to go to solve problems that a normal computer that is powered by general purpose computing can’t. And so that, that became the company’s mission, to go to go build a computer, the type of computers and solve problems that normal computers can. And to this day, we’re focused on that. And if you look at all the problems that, that in the markets that we opened up as a result, it’s, you know, things like computational drug design, weather simulation, materials design, these are all things that we’re really, really proud of.



Robotics, self driving cars, autonomous, autonomous, software we call artificial intelligence. And then all, you know, of course, we, we drove the, the technology so hard, that, that eventually the computational cost, went to approximately 0 and then enabled enable the whole new way of developing software where the computer wrote the software itself.



Artificial intelligence is, we know it. And so, so I, that, that was, that was it, that was the journey.






thank you all for coming.



让我们回头看,在当时,LSI Logic的CEO说服了他最大的投资者Don Valentine与您见面。显然,他是Sequoia的创始人。

很多的创始人都在预测和创造未来,在这个过程中,您是如何说服硅谷 VC 大佬们去押注一个初创团队,真金白银地支持一个面向未来的产品呢?

Well, these applications are on all of our minds today. We’re back. Then the CEO of LSI Logic convinced his biggest investor Don Valentine to meet with you. He is obviously the founder of Sequoia. Now I can see a lot of founders here edging forward in anticipation, but how did you convince the most sought after investor in Silicon Valley to invest in a team of first time founders building a new product for a market that doesn’t even exist?




I didn’t know how to write a business plan and, so I went to a, went to a bookstore and back then there were bookstores and, in the business book section, there was this book and it was written by somebody I knew, Gordon Bell and this book, I should go find it again, but it’s a very large book and the book says how to write a business plan and that was, you know, a highly specific title for a very niche market. And it seems like he wrote it for like, you know, people. And that was one of them. And so I bought the book.


那其实不是个好主意,毕竟 Gordon 非常聪明。聪明人往往话多,而我几乎可以肯定,Gordon 想要教我如何全面地编写商业计划。

因此,我买下了一本厚达 450 页的书。但我根本就没看完,连近都没近。我随意翻了几页,便想:等我把这本书看完,我可能就要破产了。那时,我和 Laurie 在银行的存款只够维持六个月,加上我们得照顾 Spencer、Madison 和一条狗。


I should have known right away that that was a bad idea because, you know, you know, Gordon is super, super smart and super smart. People have a lot to say and they want to, you know I’m pretty sure Gordon wants to teach me how to write a business plan completely. And so I picked up this book is like 450 pages long. Well, I never got through it, not even close. I flipped through it a few pages and I go, you know what, by the time I’m done reading this thing I’ll be out of business. I’ll be out of money and Laurie and I only had about 6 months, in the bank and we had already Spencer Madison and, and a dog. And so the five of us had to live off of, you know, whatever money we had in the bank. And so I didn’t have much time.



接着,他就给 Don Valentine 打了个电话,告诉他:“我要送个小伙子过去,我想你应该给他投资。他是 LSI Logic 有史以来最出色的员工之一。”

And so instead of writing the business plan, I just went to talk to wealth Corrigan, he turned, he called me one day and said, hey, you know, you left the company. You didn’t even tell me what you were doing. I want you to come back and explain it to me. And so I went back and I explained to wealth and Wolf Wolf, at the end of it, he said, I have no idea what you said. And, that’s one of the worst elevator pitches I’ve ever heard. And then he picked up the phone and he called Don Valentine and he called Don and he says Don, I want you to get I’m going to send a kid over. I want you to give money. He’s one of the best employees LSI logic ever had ever had and.




So the thing I learned is, is you can make up a great interview. You could even have a bad interview, but you can’t run away from your past. And so have a good past, you know, try to have a good past and in a lot of ways, I was serious when I said I was a good dishwasher.


我很可能是 Denny’s 最棒的洗碗工。我工作有计划,条理清晰,洗碗洗得干干净净。后来,他们还把我提升为了收银员。我敢说,我是 Denny’s 有史以来最好的收银员。我从来不空手来空手去,效率极高。最终,我成了 CEO,我还在努力做一个优秀的 CEO

I was probably Denny’s best dishwasher. I planned my work, I was organized, you know, I was misson plus, and then I washed the living daylights out of the dish dishes and then, and then, you know, they promoted me to bus boy. I was certain I’m the best bus boy Denny’s ever had, you know, I was. I never left the station with empty handed. I never came back empty handed. I was very efficient and then they, and so anyways, eventually I became, you know, AC EO I’m working I’m still working on being being a good CEO, but .


要成为行业最佳,你需要从其他 89 家后来获得资金做相同事情的公司中脱颖而出。然后,当你发现还有 69 个月的资金时,你意识到最初的愿景根本行不通。


you talk about being the best you needed to be the best among 89 other companies that were funded after you to build the same thing. And then with 69 months of runway left, you realize that the initial vision was just not gonna work. How did you decide what to do next to save the company when the cards were so stacked against you?




Well, we started, this company called for accelerated computing and the question is, what’s it for? What’s the killer app? And that was that, that came our first great decision.


红杉资本投资我们的第一个重大决定是,第一个杀手级应用将是 3D 图形。技术会是 3D 图形,应用领域则是当时的视频游戏。当时制作 3D 图形几乎是不可能的。


And this is what Sequoia funded, the first great decision was the first killer app was going to be 3D graphics and the technology was going to be 3D graphics and the application was going to be video games at the time D graphics was impossible to make cheap. It was million dollar image generators from silicon graphic graphics and the video. And so it was a million dollars and it’s hard to make cheap. And the video game game market was $0 billion. So you have this incredible technology that’s hard to commoditize and commercialize. And then you have this market that doesn’t exist. That was, that intersection was the founding of our company.



他说,创业公司不应该投资于创业公司,或者说,不应该与其他创业公司合作。他的意思是,要使英伟达成功,我们需要另一家创业公司也能成功。那家创业公司就是 EA。在我离开时,他提醒我,EA 的首席技术官只有 14 岁,还需要他妈妈开车送他去上班。


And I still remember when, when Don at the end of my presentation, you know Don was still kind of, he said, you know, and one of the things he said to me, which made a lot of sense back then, it’s makes a lot of sense today. He says startups don’t invest in startups or startups don’t partner with startups. And his point is that in order for Nvidia to succeed, we needed another startup to succeed. And that other startup was Electronic Arts. And then on the way out, he reminded me that Electronic Arts is CTO, is 14 years old and had to be driven to work by his mom. And he just wanted to remind me that that’s who I’m relying on, that, that. And then, and, and then after that he said, if you lose my money I’ll kill you. And that that was, that was kind of my memories of that first meeting.





But nonetheless, we created, we created something, we went on, the next several years to go create the market, to create the gaming market for Pcs. And it took a long time to do so. We’re still doing it today. We realized that not only do you have to create the technology and, invent a new way of doing computer graphics so that what was a million dollars is now, you know, 3, 400, $500, that fits in a computer and you have to go create this new market. So we have to create technology, create markets. The idea that a company would create technology, create markets defines a video today, almost everything we do, we create technology, we create markets. That’s the reason why people say we have a, you know, people call it a stack and ecosystem, words like that. But that’s basically it at the core.


30 年前,英伟达意识到,为了让人们能够购买我们的产品,我们必须创造出使之成为可能的条件,因此我们必须发明这个全新的市常


For 30 years when Nvidia realized we had to do is in order to, create the conditions by which somebody could buy our products, we had to go invent this new market. And it’s the reason why we’re early in autonomous driving. It was the reason why we’re early in deep learning. It was the reason why we’re early in just about all these things, including computational drug, discuss drug design and discovery, all the different areas we’re trying to create the market while we’re creating the technology. And so that that’s, okay.



当时有一件事情,微软推出了一个名为 Direct 3D 的标准,这引发了数百家公司的诞生。

And then we got, we got going and then, and then, Microsoft introduced, a standard called Direct 3D and that spawned off hundreds of companies.


几年后,我们发现自己几乎与所有人竞争。我们所发明的,公司所发明的技术,将 3D 图形消费化了,但与 Direct 3D 不兼容。

因此,我们创立了这家公司,拥有这项 3D 图形技术,原本价值百万美元,我们试图让它变得更易于消费。


And we found ourselves a couple of years later competing with just about everybody. And the thing that that we invented, the company, that technology we invented, d graphics consumerized 3D with turns out to be incompatible with direct 3D, So we started this company, we had this 3D graphics thing, we million dollar thing, we’re trying to make it consumerized. And so we invented all this technology and then shortly after it became incompatible.



我记得有个周末的会议,我们讨论说:“我们现在有 89 个竞争对手。我明白我们的做法不对,但我们不知道正确的做法是什么。”

幸运的是,还有另一家书店,那就是 Fry’s Electronics。

And so we had to reset the company or go out of business, but we didn’t know how to, we didn’t know how to build it the way that Microsoft had defined it And, and I remember, I remember a meeting at, at, you know, on the weekend and the conversation was, you know, we now have 89 competitors. I understand that the way we do it is not, not right, but we don’t know how to do it the right way and, thankfully there was another bookstore and, and the bookstore is called fries, fries, electronics.


我不确定它现在还在不在。所以我开车带着女儿 Madison 去了 Fry’s,正好在那里找到了 OpenGL 手册,这本手册定义了硅图形公司的计算机图形处理方式。

I don’t think I don’t know if it’s still here. And so I had, I had, I had, I think I drove Madison, my daughter on a weekend to fries and it was sitting right there, the open GL manual, which would define how Silicon Graphics did computer graphics.


每本书大约 68 美元。我带了几百美元过去,买了三本书。

我拿着这些书回到办公室,告诉大家:“我找到了我们的未来。”我分发了这三本书,每本书中都有一个漂亮的中央展开页。那个中央展开页就是 OpenGL 管线,也就是计算机图形管线。我将这些书交给了和我一起创立公司的天才们。我们实现了 OpenGL 管线,做得比任何人都要好。


And so it was, it was right there was like $68 a book. And so I had a couple hundred dollars. I bought three books. I took it back to the office and I said, guys, I found it our future. And I handed out, I have three versions of it handed out, had a big nice cent centerfold. You know, the centerfold is the open GL pipeline, which is the computer graphics pipeline. And I and I handed it to the same geniuses that I founded the company with. And we implemented the open GL pipeline like nobody had ever implemented the open GL pipeline. And we built something the world never seen.



And so a lot of lessons are right there that moment in time for our company, gave us so much confidence.





And the reason for that is you can succeed in doing something, inventing a future, even if you were not informed about it at all. And it’s kind of my attitude about everything now, you know, when somebody tells me about something and I’ve never heard of it before, or if I’ve heard of it, never don’t understand how it works at all. My first thought is always, you know, how hard can it be? And it’s probably just a textbook away. You know, you have probably one archived paper away from figuring this out. And so I spent a lot of time reading archive papers and, and it’s true, it’s true you can, you can now, of course you can’t learn how somebody else does something and do it exactly the same way and hope to have a different outcome, but you could learn how something can be done and then go back to first principles and ask yourself, giving the conditions today, given my motivation, given the instruments, the tools, given, you know, how things have changed, how would I redo this?


我会如何重新发明整个过程?我会如何设计它?如果我今天要建造一辆汽车,我会怎么做?我会按照 1950 年代和 19 世纪的方式一步步建造吗?如果我今天要建造一台计算机,我会怎么做?我会如何编写软件?这完全没有意义。


How would I reinvent this whole thing? How would I design it? How would I build a car today? Would I build it incrementally from 1950s and 19 hundreds? How would I build a computer today? How would I write software today? Doesn’t make sense. And so I go back to first principles all the time, even in the company today and just reset ourselves, you know, because the world has changed. And, the way we wrote software in the past was malelithic and it’s designed for supercomputers, but now it’s disaggregated just, you know, so on and so forth.



And now how we think about software today, how we think about computers today, how we think just always cause your company, always cause yourself to go back to first first principles. And it creates lots and lots of opportunities.





The way you applied this technology turns to be revolutionary. You get all the momentum that you need to IPO and then some more because you grow your revenue x in the next years. But in the middle of all of this success, you decide to pivot a little bit. The focus of innovation happening it in video based on a phone call you have with this chemistry professor. Can you tell us about that phone call and how you connected the dots from what you heard to where you went.





I remember at the core, the company was pioneering a new way of doing computing. Computer graphics was the first application, but we already always knew that there would be other applications. And so image processing came, particle physics came, fluids came, so on and so forth, all kinds of interesting things that we wanted to do. We made the processor more programmable so that we could express more algorithms, if you will. And then one day we invented, programmable shavers, which made all forms of imaging and computer graphics programmable. That was a great breakthrough. So we invented that fork.


大概在 2003 年左右,我们开发出了一种名为 CG 的技术,它专门为 GPU 设计,比 CUDA 早了三年。这个技术的创造者,也正是那位写下了挽救公司命运的教科书的马克基尔加德。


有一次,麻省总医院的一对医生用它来进行 CT 重建,那次经历让我们更有信心,更坚信我们走的路是对的。

On top of that, we invented, we tried to ex, look for ways to express, more com, more sophisticated algorithms, that could be computation that could be computed on our processor, which is very different than ACP, and so we created this thing called CG, and so I think was 2003 or so C for Gpus, it predated kuda by about 3 years, the same person who wrote the textbook that saved the company mark kilgard wrote that textbook and, I, and so CG was, was super cool, we wrote textbooks about it, We started teaching people how to use it, we developed tools and such, and then several, several researchers discovered it, many of the researchers here, students here at Stanford was using it, many of the engineers that that then became engineers and Nvidia, we’re we’re playing with it, a doctor a couple of doctors at at mass general picked it up and used it for, CT reconstruction. So I flew out and saw them and said, you know, what are you guys doing with this thing and, they told me about that and then, and then AAA computational a quantum chemist, used it to, express his, his algorithms and so I realized that that there’s, there’s some evidence that people might want to use this. And it gave, it gave us, gave us, you know, incrementally more. More confidence that that we ought to go do this, that that this field, this form of computing could solve problems that normal computers really can. And, reinforced our belief and kept us going.




Every time you heard something new, you really savored that surprise. And that seems to be a theme throughout your leadership at Nvidia. It feels like you make these bets so far in advance of technology inflections that when the apple finally falls from the tree, you’re standing right there in your black leather jacket waiting to catch it noise.




How do you find the canal always seems like a diving catch? Oh, it does seem like a diving catch. You do things based on core beliefs. You know, we are, we deeply believe that, that we, we could peanut create a computer that solves problems.


通用的处理方法有其局限性。CPU 能做的事情有限,通用计算也是如此。



Normal processing can do that. There are limits to what a CPU can do. There are limits to what general purpose computing can do. And then there are interesting problems, that we can go solve. The question, the question is always, are those inc interesting problems only or they can, they also be interesting markets? Because if they’re not interesting markets, it’s not sustainable. And Nvidia went through about a decade where we were investing in this future and the markets didn’t exist. There was only one market at the time was computer ground for 1015 years. The markets that fuels Nvidia today just didn’t exist.





And so, so how do you continue, with all of the people around you know, our company and, you know, and vida’s management team and all of the amazing engineers that they’re creating this future with me, all of your shareholders, your board of directors, all your partners, you’re, you’re taking everybody with you and there’s no evidence of a market that is really, really challenging, you know, the fact that the technology can solve problems and the fact that you have research papers that that are used that there are made possible because of it are interesting, but you’re always looking for that market, but nonetheless before a market exists, you still need early indicators of future success.



但实话说,我觉得 KPI 有时候挺难理解的。你其实需要的是那些能预示未来积极成果的早期迹象,而且越早越好。因为你需要的是那些能证明你正走在正确道路上的早期迹象。


You know, we have this phrase in the company, you know, there’s a phrase called key performance indicators. Unfortunately kpis are are hard to understand. I find KPI is hard to understand what’s a good KPI, you know, a lot of people, you know, when when we look for KPI go gross margins, that’s not a KPI As a result, you know, you’re looking for something that’s an early indicators of future positive results, okay, and as early as possible. And the reason for that is because you want early Indic that early sign that you’re going in the right direction. And so we have this phrase is called EOI FSS FS, you know, early indicators eio of this, early indicators of future success.




And it helps people because I was using it all the time to give the company hope that, hey, look, we solve this problem. We solve that problem, we saw this problem. The markets didn’t exist, but there were important problems and that’s what the company’s about just solve these problems. We want to be sustainable. And therefore the markets have to exist at some point. But you want, you want to decouple the result from, from evidence that you’re doing the right thing, okay? And so, so that’s how you, that’s how you kind of solve this problem of investing into something that’s very, very far away. And having the conviction, to stay on the road is defined as early as possible.



The indicators that you’re doing the right things. And so, start with a core belief. Unless something, you know, changes your mind, you continue to believe in and, I’ll look for early in case of future success.



What are some of those early indicators that have been used by product teams at Nvidia?



The all kinds. I saw, I saw, I saw a paper, long before I saw the paper, I met some people that needed my help on, on, on this thing called deep learning at a time.



他们需要我们创建一种专门的语言,这样他们的所有算法都能轻松地在我们的处理器上运行。我们就发明了这种技术,它基本上是为存储计算和神经网络计算而设计的。我们为此创建了一种新语言,可以看作是深度学习的 OpenGL。他们需要这个,这样他们才能把他们的数学公式实现在我们的平台上。

他们可能不懂 CUDA,但他们懂他们的深度学习。因此,我们就为他们打造了这个桥梁。

I didn’t even know what deep learning was. And, and they needed us to create a domain specific language so that, all of their algorithms could be expressed easily on our, on our processors. And we created this thing called, and it’s essentially the sequel, sequels in storage computing. This is, neural network computing. And, we created a L, a language, if you will, domain specific language for that, you know, kind of like the open GL of, of, deep learning. And so we, they needed us to do that so that they could express their mathematics. And, they didn’t understand kuda, but they understood their deep learning. And so we created this thing in the middle for them.





And the reason why we did it was because, even though there were 0, I mean, this, you know, these researchers had no money. And this is kind of one of the great skills of our company that, that you’re willing to do something even though the financial returns are completely nonexistent or maybe very, very far out, even if you believed in it.





We ask ourselves, you know, is this worthy work to do? Does this advance a field of science somewhere that matters? Notice this is something that I I’ve been talking about, you know, since the very beginning of time. We find inspiration, not from the size of a market from, but from the importance of the work because the importance of the work is the early indicators of a future market and nobody has to write a, nobody has to do a business case on it. Nobody has to show me a, AP and L, nobody has to show me a financial forecast. The only question is, is this important work? And if we didn’t do it, would it happen without us now if we didn’t do something and something could happen without us, it gives me tremendous joy, actually.



And the reason for that is, could you imagine the world got better? You didn’t have to lift a finger.





That’s the definition of, you know, of ultimate laziness and in a lot of ways, in a lot of ways, you want that habit. And the reason for that is this, you want the company to be lazy about doing things that other people always do can do. If somebody else can do it, let them do it. We should go select the things that if we didn’t do it, the world, the world would fall apart. You have to convince yourself of that, that if I don’t do this, it won’t get done. That is in. And that work is hard and that work is impactful and important. Then it gives you a sense of purpose, doesn’t make sense.


我们公司一直在寻找这样的项目,深度学习只是其中之一。而其成功的一个早期迹象就是,你知道,那只模糊的猫是安德鲁发现的,然后是 Alex Kirchevski 发现了猫。


And so our company has been selecting these projects, deep learning was just one of them and the first indicator of, of the success of that was this, you know, fuzzy cat that, that Andrew and came up with and, then, Alex, kirchev ski, detected cats. You know, not all the time, but, you know, successfully enough that it was, you know, this might take us somewhere. And then we reasoned about the structure of deep learning and, you know, or computer scientists and we understand how things work and so we, we convinced ourselves this could change everything and, and anyhow that, but that’s an, that’s an example.



So these selections that you’ve made, they’ve paid huge dividends, both literally and figuratively, but you’ve had to steer the company through some very challenging times, like when it lost 80% of its market cap amid the financial crisis cause what Wall Street didn’t believe in your bet on ML, in times like these, how do you steer the company and keep the employees motivated at the task it hand?



It’s this is that my reaction during that time is the same reaction I had about this week earlier today you asked me about this week. My pulse was exactly the same, this week is no different than last week or the week before that.




I, and so the opposite of that, you know, when you drop 80%, don’t get me wrong, when, when your share price drops 80%, it’s a little embarrassing, okay? And, you just wanna, you just want to wear a T shirt that says, wasn’t my fault, but even more than that, you just, you just don’t want it. You don’t, you don’t want to get out of your bed, you don’t want to leave the house. All of that is true, all of that is true, but then you go back to go back to just doing your job, woke up at the same time, prioritize my day in the same way I go back to, what do I believe you got a gut check, always got check back to the court, you know, what do you believe? What are the most important things? And, just check them off, you know, sometimes, sometimes it’s helpful that, yeah, family loves me, okay, check, you know, double cheer, right? And so you just gotta check it off and you go back to your court, and then go back to work and then every conversations go back to the core, keep the company focused back on the core.



Do you believe in it? Did something change the stock price change, but did something else change the physics change the gravity change, change? Did all of the things that we assumed, that we believed that led to our decision? Did any of those things change because of those things change? You got to change everything, but if none of those things change, you change nothing, keep on going, ya, that’s how you do it .



in that speaking with your employees, they say that you try to avoid the public. In speaking with your employees, they’ve said that your leadership.



including the employees. I’m just good now le leaders have to be seen. Unfortunately, that’s the hard, that’s the hard part.




You know, I was, I was, I was at I was, I was an electrical engineering student and I was quite young when I went to school. When I went to, went to college, I was, I was still 16 years old. And so I was, I was young when I did everything. And so I was a bit of an introvert. I’m kind of, you know I’m shy, I don’t enjoy public speaking. I’m delighted to be here. I’m not suggesting, but, but it’s not something that I do naturally and, and so, so when, when things are challenging, it’s not easy to be in front of precisely the people that you care most about, you know? And the reason for that is because could you imagine a company meeting, which is our stock prices drop by And the most important thing I have to do as the CEO is this, to come and face you explain, explain it.




And partly you’re not sure why partly. You’re not sure how long, how bad. You just don’t know these things and, but you still gotta explain it. Face, face, face all these people and you know what they’re thinking, you know, you know, some of more probably thinking were doomed. Some people are probably thinking you’re an idiot and some people are probably thinking, you know, something else. And so there are a lot of things that people are thinking and you know that they’re thinking those things and, but you still have to get in front of them and deal, you know, do the hard work.



Maybe thinking of those things, but yet not a single person of your leadership team team left during times like this and in fact, unemployable.




That’s what I keep reminding them. I’m just kid. I’m surrounded by geniuses. I’m surrounded by geniuses. Yeah, other geniuses, unbelievable, nvidia is well known to have singularly the best management team on the planet. This is the deepest technology management team the world’s ever seen. I’m surrounded by a whole bunch of them and they’re just genius. Business teams, marketing team, sales, sales teams, just incredible engineering teams. My research teams, teams, unbelievable. Yeah.



你直接管理着 50 人,鼓励组织内的每个人向你反馈他们心中的前五件事,并且你经常提醒大家,没有任何任务是低人一等的。


Your employees say that your leadership style is very engaged. You have 50 direct reports, you encourage people across all parts of the organization to send you the top five things on their mind and you constantly remind people that no task is beneath you. Can you tell us why you’ve purposefully designed such a flat organization? And how should we be thinking about our organizations that we design in the future?



No task is, is to me, no task is beneath me because remember, I used to be a dishwasher and I, and I mean that and I used to clean toilets. I mean, you know, I cleaned a lot of toilets. I’ve cleaned more toilets and all of you combined and some of them just can UNC.



I don’t know. Like, I don’t know what to tell you. You know, that’s life. And so, so you can’t show me and you can’t show me a task of that is that’s beneath me. Now I’m not doing it. I’m not doing it, only because, because of, you know, whether it’s beneath me or not beneath me.




If you send me something and you want my input on it and I can be of service to you and in my, in my review of it, share with you how I reason through it. I’ve made a contribution to you. I’ve made I’ve made it possible for you to see how I reason through something and by reasoning, as you know, how someone reasons through something empowers you.



Oh my gosh, that’s how you reason through something like this. It’s not as complicated as it seems. This is how you reason through something that’s super ambiguous. This is how you reason through something that’s incalculable. This is how you reason through something that you know seems to be very scary. This is how you’ve seen, do you understand? And so I show people how to reason through things all the time, strategy things, things, you know, how to forecast something, how to break a problem down, and you’re just, you’re empowering people all over the place. And so that’s how I see it.




If you send me something, you want me to help review it, I’ll do my best and I’ll show you how I would do it. In the process of doing that, of course I learned a lot from you. Is that right? You gave me a seed of a lot of information, I learned a lot and so I feel rewarded by the process.



所以处理完这些事情后,我常感到筋疲力荆CEO 应该有尽可能多的直接下属,因为按理来说,向 CEO 汇报的人应该需要最少的管理。我不理解为什么有些 CEO 直接下属很少,除非是出于特别的原因。

It does take a lot of energy sometimes because, you know, you got in order to add value to somebody and they’re incredibly smart as a starting point. And I’m surrounded by incredibly smart people, you have to at least get to their plane, you know, you have to get into their headspace and that’s really hard, that’s really hard. And that takes just an enormous amount of emotional and intellectual energy. And so I feel exhausted after, after I work on things like that. I’m surrounded by a lot of great people. A CEO should have the most direct reports, by definition because the people that reports, the CEO requires the least amount of management. It makes no sense to me that Ceos have so few people reporting to him, except for one fact that I know to be true.



The knowledge, the information of AC EOIs supposedly so, so valuable, so secretive, you can only share with two other people or three. And their information is so invaluable, so incredibly secretive, that they can only share with a couple more. Well, I don’t believe in a culture and environment where the information that you possess is the reason why you have power.




I would like us all to contribute to the company and our position in the company should have something to do with our ability to reason through complicated things, lead other people to achieve, achieve greatness, inspire, empower other people, support other people. Those are the reasons why that the management team exist in service of all of the other people that work in the company to create the conditions by which all of the all of these amazing people volunteer to come work for you instead of all the healing amazing high tech companies around the world, they elected, they volunteered to work for you. And so you should create the conditions by which they could do their life’s work, which is my mission. You know, you probably heard it and I’ve I’ve said that, you know, pretty clearly and I, and I believe that what my job is, is very simply to create the conditions by which you could do your life’s work. And so how do I do that? What does that condition look like? What that condition should, result in a great deal of empowerment you should, you can only be empowered if you understand the circumstance, isn’t it right?




You have to understand the, you have to understand the context of the situation you’re in order for you to come up with great ideas. And so I have to create a circumstance where you understand the context, which means you have to be informed and the best way to be informed is for there to be as little layers of information mutilation right between us. And so that’s the reason why it’s very often that I’m reasoning through things like in an audience like this.




I’ll say, first of all, this is the beginning facts. These are the data that we have, this is how I would reason through it, these are some of the assumptions, these are some of the unknowns, these are some of the knowns, and so you reason through it, and now you’ve created an organization that’s highly empowered.


在一个拥有 30000 名员工的公司里,我们是全球最“小”的大公司。


In vidia’s 30000 people were the smallest large company in the world. We’re tiny little company, but every employee is so empowered and they’re making smart decisions on my behalf every single day. And the reason for that is because, you know, they understand that. They understand my condition. They understand my condition.




I’m very transparent with people and I believe it that I can trust you with the information. Now, oftentimes the information is hard to hear and the situations are complicated, but I trust that you can handle it. You’re you know, a lot of people hear me say, you know, these, you’re, you’re adults here. You can handle this. Sometimes they’re not really adults, they just graduated. I’m just kidding, I don’t know. I know that when I first graduated was barely an adult and, I, but I was, I was fortunate that I was trusted with, with, with, important information as I want to do that I want to create the conditions for people to do that.


在大家都关注的 AI 主题上,你上周提到生成式 AI 和加速计算已达到临界点。随着这项技术变得越来越普及,你个人最感兴趣的应用是什么?

I do want to now address the topic that is on everybody’s mind. AI last week you said that generative AI and accelerated computing have hit the tipping point. So as this technology becomes more mainstream, what are the applications that you personally are most excited about?




Well, you have to go back to first principles and ask yourself, what is generative AI? What happened? What happened was we have, we now have the ability to have software that can understand something. They can understand why, you know, what is, first of all, we digitized everything that was, you know, like for example, gene sequencing, you digitized genes, but what does it mean, that sequence of genes? What does it mean? We’ve digitized amino acids. But what does it mean? And so we now have the ability of, we digitize words, we digitize sounds, we digitize that images and videos, videos, we digitized a lot of things, but what does it mean?



We now have the ability to a lot of studying, a lot of data and from their patterns and relationships, we now understand what they mean.



因此,显而易见的是,你可以给视频加上文字说明,把文字转换成图像,或者在 ChatGPT 中把文字转换成文字,这些都是非常了不起的应用。我们现在明白了含义,并且可以进行转换,这种转换本质上就是信息的生成。

Not only do we understand what they mean, we can translate between them because we learned about the meaning of these things in the same world. We didn’t learn about them separately. So we learned about speech and words and paragraphs and vocabulary in the same context. And so we found correlations between them. And they’re all, you know, registered, if you will, register to each other. And so now we, not only do we understand the modality, the meaning of each modality, we can understand how to translate between them. And so for obvious things, you could caption video to text that’s captioning text to images, mid journey, text to text ChatGPT, amazing things. And so, so we now we now know that we understand meeting and we can translate, the translation of something is generation of information and, and all of a sudden you have to take your, you take a step back and ask yourself, what is the implication in every single layer of everything that we do?


我在这里,就像当初我第一次看到 AlexNet 那样,开始推理,大约 13、14 年前了,我看到了什么?有多有趣?它能做什么?非常酷,但更重要的是,这意味着什么?对计算的每一个层面意味着什么?这意味着,我们处理信息的方式将来会有根本性的变化。

And so I’m exercising in front of you. I’m reasoning in front of you the same thing I did a quarter years ago when I first saw Alex net, some 1314 years ago, I guess, how I reasoned through it, what did I see? How interesting, what can it do? Very cool, but then most importantly, what does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean to every single layer of computing? Because, you know, we’re in the world of computing. And so what it means is that that the way that we, process information fundamentally will be different in the future.



That’s when a video builds, you know, chips and systems, the way we write software will be fundamentally different in the future. The type of software will be able to write, write in the future will be different new applications, and then also the processing of those applications will be different.



What was historically a retrieval based model where information was prerecorded, if you will, almost, you know, we wrote the text prerecorded and we retrieved that based on some recommenders system algorithm In the future, some seed of information will be, will be, the starting point. We call them prompts you as you guys know, and then we generate the rest of it. And so the future of computing will be highly generated.



Well, let me give you an example of what’s happening, for example, that we’re having a conversation right now, very little of the information I’m trans I’m conveying to you is retreat. Most of it is generated, it’s call intelligence. And so in the future, we’re going to have a lot more generative, our computers will will perform in that way, it’s going to be highly generative instead of highly retrieval based, then you go back and you can ask yourself, you know, now for, you know, entrepreneurs, you got to ask yourself, what industries will be disrupted? Therefore, will we think about networking the same way we think about storage, the same way we think about, would we be as abusive of internet traffic as we are today? Probably not notice we’re having a conversation right now? And I want to get in my car every question so we don’t have to be a as abusive of of transformation information transporting as we used to.


未来将会增加什么,减少什么?会有哪些新的应用出现?这一切都源自对当前发生的事情的思考。生成式 AI 的基础是什么?

What’s going to be more, what’s going to be less, what kind of applications, you know, etc., etc., etc.. So you can go through the entire industrial spread and ask yourself, what’s gonna get disrupted? What’s gonna get be different? What’s gonna get nude, you know, so on and so forth. And that reasoning starts from what is happening. What is generative AI foundationally, what is happening?



Go back to first principles with all things. There was something I was going to tell you about organization. You asked the question and I forgot to answer it the way you create an organization, by the way, someday, don’t worry about how other companies or charts look.


从最基本的原则出发。记住组织的设计初衷。过去的组织结构中,有一个国王,即 CEO,然后是各种王室成员,逐层向下,最底层是员工。

You start from first principles. Remember what an organization is designed to do. The organizations of the past where there’s a king, you know, CEO, and then, then you have all these, you know, the royal subjects, you know, the royal court and then east out, and then you keep working your way down.


这样设计是为了让员工获取尽可能少的信息,因为基本上,士兵的角色就是在战场上牺牲,无需提问。但在 Nvidia,我不希望我的三万名员工中的任何一个牺牲。我希望他们对一切都提出质疑。

Eventually they’re employees. What the reason why it was designed that way is because they wanted the employees to have as low information as possible because they’re fundamental purpose of the soldiers is to die in the field of battle to die without asking questions. You guys know this. I don’t, I only have 30000 employees. I would like them, none of them to die. I would like them to question everything, does it make sense?


过去与现在的组织方式截然不同。Nvidia 是什么?Nvidia 在构建什么?

And so the way you organize in the past and the way you organize today is very different to second, the question is, what is Nvidia, what is Nvidia build?



An organization is designed so that we could build what it, whatever it is, we build better. And so we all build different things. Why are we organized the same way? Why would, why would this organizational machinery be exactly the same? Irrespective of what you build? It doesn’t make any sense. You build computers, you organize this way, you build health care services, you’re building exactly the same way, it makes no sense whatsoever, and so you have to go back to first principles.



Just ask yourself, what kind of machinery, what, what is the input, what is the output, what are the properties of this environment? You know, what is, what is the, what is the, what is the forest that this animal has to live in, what are its characteristics is, is it stable?



Most of the time you’re trying to squeeze out the last drop of water or is it changing all the time, being attacked by everybody. And so you got to understand, you know, if you’re the CEO, your job is to architect this company. That’s my first job, to create the conditions by which you can do your life’s work. And the architecture has to be right. And so you have to go back to first principles and think about those things. And I was fortunate that that when I was Twentynine years old, you know, I had the benefit of taking a step back and asking myself, you know, how would I build this company for the future and what would it look like? And, you know, what’s the operating system, which is called culture? What do we, what kind of behavior do we encourage, enhance, and what would we discourage and not enhance, you know, so on and so forth.



And in ways .




I wanna save time for audience questions, but, this year’s theme review from the top is redefining tomorrow. And one question we’ve asked all of our guests is Jensen as the cofounder and CE of Nvidia, if you were to close your eyes and magically change one thing about tomorrow, what would it be?



Were we supposed to think about this in advance?




I’m going to give you a horrible answer. I don’t know. That is one thing. Look, there are a lot of things we don’t control. And another lot of things we don’t control. Your job is to make a unique contribution live, live a life of purpose, to do something that nobody else in the world would do or can do to make a unique contribution. So that in the event that after you’re done. Everybody says, you know, the world was better because you were here. And so I think that that to me, I live, I live my life kind of like this.



I go forward in time and I look backwards. So you asked me a question that’s exactly from a, from a computer vision pose perspective, exactly the opposite of how I think I never look forward from where I am.




I go forward in time and look backwards. And the reason for that is easier. I would look backwards and kind of read my history. We did this and we did that way and we broke that problem down. Doesn’t make sense. And so it’s a little bit like, how you guys solve problems. You figure out what is the end result that you’re looking for and you work backwards to achieve it. And so I imagine Nvidia making a unique contribution to advancing the future of computing, which is the single most important instrument of all humanity.




Now, it’s not about our self, self importance, but this is just what we’re good at, and it’s incredibly hard to do, and we believe we can make an absolute unique contributions taking us 31 years to be here. And we’re still just beginning our journey. And so this is insanely hard to do. And, when I look backwards, I believe that we made, I believe that that we’re going to be remembered as a company that kind of changed everything, not because we went out and changed everything through all the things that we said, but because we did this one thing that was insanely hard to do that we’re incredibly good at doing, that we love doing. We did for a long time.


我是 GSP 项目的负责人,2023 年毕业。我想了解,您如何看待贵公司在未来十年的发展前景?您认为将面临哪些挑战,以及公司是如何准备应对这些挑战的?

My I’m part of the GSP lead. I graduated in 2023. So my question is, how do you see your company in the next decade as what challenges do you see your company would face and how you are positioned for that?



First of all, can I just tell you what was going on through my head? As you say, what challenges the list that flew by my head was so, so large that that I was trying to figure out what to select. Now, the honest truth is that when you asked that question, most of the challenges that showed up for me were technical challenges. And the reason for that is because that was my morning.




If you were to, you know, chosen yesterday, it might have been market creation challenges. There are some markets that I, gosh, I just desperately would love to create. I just can’t. We just do it already, you know? But we can’t do it alone. And video is a technology platform company. We’re here in service of a whole bunch of other companies so that they could realize if you were our hopes and dreams through them and so some of the things that I would love, I would love for the world of biology to be at 1 point where it’s kind of like the world of chip design years ago, computer aided and design Eda, that entire industry really made possible for us today. And I believe we’re going to make possible for them tomorrow.




Computer aided drug design because we’re able to now represent genes and proteins and even cells now very, very close to be able to represent and understand the meaning of a cell, a combination of a whole bunch of genes. What does a cell mean? It’s kind of like, what does that paragraph mean? Well, if we could understand a cell, like we could understand a paragraph, imagine what we could do and so, so, so i’m anxious for that to happen, you know? I’m kind of excited about that.



There’s some that I’m just excited about, that I know we’re around the corner on, for example, human order robotics, they’re very, very close around the corner. And the reason for that is because if you can tokenize and understand speech, why can’t you tokenize and understand, manipipulation? And so, so these kind of computer science techniques, you, once you figure something out, you ask yourself, or I forgot to do that, why can’t I do that? And so I’m excited about those kind of things. And so that challenge is kind of a happy challenge.



Some of the, some of the other challenges, some of the other challenges, of course, are industrial and geopolitical and they’re social and, but you’ve heard all that stuff before. These are all true. You know, the social issues in the world, the geopolitical issues in the world. Why can’t we just get along things in the world? Why do I have to say those kind of things in the world? Why do we have to say those things and then amplify them in the world? Why do we have to judge people so much in the world? You know, all those things, you guys all know that I don’t have to say those things over again.


我叫约瑟,2023 年毕业于 GSB。


My name’s Jose. I’m a class of the 2023, from the GSB, my question is, are you worried at all about the pace at which we’re developing AI, and do you believe that any sort of regulation might be needed?




Thank you. Yeah, that’s, the answer is yes and no. We need, you know, that the greatest breakthrough in, modern AI, of course, deep learning and it, it enabled great progress. But another incredible breakthrough is something that that humans know and we have practice all the time. And we just invented it for, for language models called grounding, reinforcement learning, human feedback. I provide reinforcement learning, human feedback every day, that’s my job. And for their parents in the room, you’re providing reinforcement learning, human feedback all the time.





Okay, now we just figured out how to do that, at a system systematic level for artificial intelligence, there are a whole bunch of other technology necessary to, guardrail, fine tune ground, for example, how do I generate, how do I generate, tokens that obey the loss of physics? You know, right now things are floating in space and doing things and they don’t, they don’t obey the laws of physics. How do that requires technology? Guard railing requires technology, fine tuning requires technology, alignment requires technology, safety requires technology. The reason why planes are so safe is because, you know, all of the autopilot systems are, are surrounded by diversity and redundancy and all kinds of different functional safety and active safety systems that were invented. I need all of that to be invented much, much faster. You also know that that the border between security and artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence is going to become blurry and brillery and we need technology to advance very, very quickly in the area of cybersecurity in order to protect us from artificial intelligence. And so, so in a lot of ways, we need technology to go faster, a lot faster, faster, okay, regulation, there’s two types of regulation, there’s social regulation, I don’t know what to do about that, but there’s product and services regulation, know exactly what to do about that.



Okay, So, the FA, the FAA, the, FDA, the, knits, you name it, all the, all the FS and all the NS and all the, you know, Fccs that, that they all have regulations for products and services that are, have particular use cases, bar exams and doctors and, you know, so on and so forth. You all have a quali qualification exams, you all have standards or you have to read, you all have to continuously be certified accountants and so on and so forth. Whether it’s a product or service, there are lots and lots of regulations. Please do not add a super regulation that cuts across of it. The regulator who is regulating accounting should not be the regulator that regulates a doctor.




You know, I love accountants. But I just, you know, if I ever need a open heart surgery, the fact that they can close books is interesting, but not sufficient. And so and so I would like, I would like, all of those, all of those fields that already have products and services, to also enhance their regulations in context of, in the context of AI, okay, but I left out this one very big one, which is the social implication of AI and how do you, how do you deal with that?




I don’t have great answers for that. But you know, enough people are talking about it, but it’s important to subdivide all of this into chunks. Doesn’t make sense. So that we don’t, we don’t become super hyper focused on this one thing at the expense of a whole bunch of routine things that we could have done. And as a result, people are getting killed by cars and planes and, you know, it doesn’t make any sense. We should make sure that we do the right things there, okay? Very practical things.



Well, we have some rapid fire questions for you as view from the tradition,.



Okay, which was trying to avoid that. Okay, alright, far away



你的第一份工作就是在 Denny’s,现在他们甚至为你设立了一个专门的展位。你在 14 岁时有什么特别的回忆吗?




Second job was AMD by the way. Is there a booth dedicated to me there? I’m just kidding.



I’m gonna love my job there. I did, I love it. It’s a great company



Yeah, if they were a worldwide shortage of black leather jackets, what would you be seen wearing?



Oh no I’ve I’ve got a large reservoir blackjack I’m the I’m I’ll be the only person who is who is not concerned.



You spoke a lot about textbooks. If you had to write one, what would it be called?



I won’t writeone, you’re asking me a hypothetical question that has no possibility.



That’s fair. And finally, if you could share one parting piece of advice to broadcast across Stanford, what would it be?



It’s not a word, but but. You know, have a core belief. Got check, check it every day. I pursue it with all your might, Pursue it for a very long time. Surround yourself with people you love and take them on that, right? So that’s the story of Nvidia.



And since this last hour has been a treat, thank you for spending.



Thank you very much.


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