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政法类 公办 专科(高职)

河南司法警官职业学院隶属于河南省司法厅,办学受河南省教育厅指导。河南司法警官职业学院是以高等司法警官教育为主,多种专业教育并举,培养应用型、复合型人才的全日制省属普通专科高校。 河南司法警官职业学院位于郑东新区龙子湖高校园区,前身为1984年5月成立的河南省劳改劳教工作干部学校,后相继更名为河南省劳改警察学校、河南省司法警官学校,2001年4月被河南省人民政府批准升格为河南司法警官职业学院。 截止2015年河南警校有哪些学校,河南司法警官职业学院占地606亩,建筑面积18.4万平方米河南警校有哪些学校,监所管理系、警察学系等8个教学院部(含软件学院),设法律事务、社会工作等19个专业,专任教师229人。

Henan Judicial Police Vocational College

Public College of Politics and Law (Higher Vocational College)

Henan Vocational College of Judicial Police is subordinate to the Department of Justice of Henan Province, and is guided by the Department of Education of Henan Province。 Henan Vocational College of Judicial Police is a full-time provincial general college which focuses on higher judicial police education and combines various professional education to cultivate applied and composite talents。 Henan judicial police vocational college is located in zhengdong new district give lake campus of colleges and universities, the predecessor was established in May 1984 in henan province through Labour work cadre school, subsequently renamed after labor the police school in henan province, henan judicial police officer school, in April 2001 was upgraded to the status of henan henan province people's government of the judicial police vocational college。

As of 2015, Henan Vocational College of Judicial Police Officers covers an area of 606 mu, with a building area of 184,000 square meters。 There are 8 teaching departments (including the School of Software), such as the Department of Supervision and the Department of Police。 There are 19 majors such as legal affairs and social work, and 229 full-time teachers。


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