unsigned char fflg[MAX_FOOD]; /* 食物有无状态标志变量 */ unsigned char world[MAX_WX][MAX_WY]; /* 虚拟环境的数据 */ unsigned char /* 各中行为模式数据 */ life1[5][5]={{0,0,1,0,0},{0,1,0,1,0},{1,0,0,0,1},{0,1,0,1,0},{0,0,1,0,0}}; unsigned char life2[5][5]={{1,1,1,1,1},{1,0,0,0,1},{1,0,0,0,1},{1,0,0,0,1},{1,1,1,1,1}}; unsigned char food1[5][5]={{0,0,0,1,0},{0,0,1,1,0},{0,1,0,1,0},{0,0,1,1,0},{0,0,0,1,0}}; unsigned char food2[5][5]={{0,0,0,1,0},{0,0,1,1,0},{0,1,1,1,0},{0,0,1,1,0},{0,0,0,1,0}}; int pop_size; /* 个体总数 */ int iatr[MAX_POP][4]; /* 个体属性 */ /* iatr[][0] 个体当前位置x坐标 */ /* iatr[][1] 个体当前位置y坐标 */ /* iatr[][2] 内部能量 */ /* iatr[][3] 年龄属性 */ int food_size; /* 食物总数 */ int fatr[MAX_FOOD][4]; /* 食物属性 */ /* fatr[][0] 食物当前位置x坐标 */ /* fatr[][1] 食物当前位置y坐标 */ /* fatr[][2]=0 : 植物性 =1:动物性 */ /* fatr[][3] 新鲜程度 */ int wx,wy; /* 虚拟环境的长宽度 */ void uni_crossover(gene,g1,g2,g3,ratio1,g_length) /* 均匀交叉 */ unsigned char *gene; /* 遗传基因 */ int g1,g2,g3; /* g1 g2 父个体编号 g3 子个体编号 */ double ratio1; /* 父个体g1被选中的概率 */ int g_length; /* 个体遗传基因的位长 */ { unsigned char *gene1; /* 父1遗传基因的指针 */ unsigned char *gene2; /* 父2遗传基因的指针 */ unsigned char *gene3; /* 子遗传基因的指针 */ double rnd,r1; int i; gene1=gene+g_length*g1; gene2=gene+g_length*g2; gene3=gene+g_length*g3; r1=(int)(10000.0*ratio1); for(i=0;i<g_length;i++) { rnd=random(10000); if(rnd<=r1) *(gene3+i)=*(gene1+i); else *(gene3+i)=*(gene2+i); } } void g_disp_unit(x,y,n) /* 绘制虚拟环境的一个单元 */ int x,y; /* x=0,1,2….,wx-1; y=0,1,2,….,wy-1 */ int n; /* n=0: =1: 生物1 =2:生物2 =3:植物性食物 =4:障碍物 =5:动物性食物 */ { int gx,gy,i,j; unsigned char col; gx=SX1+5*x;gy=SY1+5*y; for(i=0;i<5;i++) for(j=0;j<5;j++) { switch(n) { case 0: col=0; break; case 1: col=life1[j] [ i]*2; break; case 2: col=life2[j] [ i]*4; break; case 3: col=food1[j] [ i]*6; break; case 4: col=7; break; case 5: col=food2[j] [ i]*11; } g_pset(gx+j,gy+i,col); }
} void g_draw_world() /* 显示虚拟环境画面 */ { int i,j; for(i=0;i<wy;i++) for(j=0;j<wx;j++) g_disp_unit(j,i,world[j] [ i]); } void g_draw_frame(x1,y1,x2,y2,c1,c2,c3,c4,text) int x1,y1,x2,y2,c1,c2,c3,c4; char *text; { int n,x3; g_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,c1,1); g_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,c2,0); g_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y1+16,c3,1); g_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y1+16,c2,0); n=strlen(text); x3=x1+((x2-x1-n*8)/2); disp_hz16(text,x3,y1,c4); } void g_init_frames() /* 初始化画面 */ { int i,j,cx,cy,x,y; char text[17]; g_draw_frame(0,0,639,399,15,0,4,15, ”基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟”); g_draw_frame(0,16,320,170,7,0,8,15,”设定参数”); y=48; setcolor(9); disp_hz16(“植物食物限制时间”,16,y,15); sprintf(text,”%d”,TL1); g_text(200,y+8,4,text); y=y+24; setcolor(9); disp_hz16(“动物食物限制时间”,16,y,15); sprintf(text,”%d”,TL2); g_text(200,y+8,4,text); y=y+24; setcolor(9); disp_hz16(“植物食物每代生成个数”,16,y,15); sprintf(text,”%d”,NEWFOODS); g_text(200,y+8,4,text); y=y+24; setcolor(9); disp_hz16(“变异概率”,16,y,15); i=(int)(MUTATION*100.0); sprintf(text,”%d”,i); g_text(152,y+8,4,text); g_draw_frame(0,170,320,399,7,0,8,15,”最佳基因型”); x=16;y=194; setcolor(9); disp_hz16(“SP:物种号….”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“SL:寿命..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“VF:视野..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“TM:基本移动模式..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“CM:移动特点..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“LM:移动能耗..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“CA:行动特点..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“CR:善变性….”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“SA:攻击速度..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“DA:防御能力..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“LA:攻击能耗..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; disp_hz16(“EF:食物吸取效率..”,x,y,15);y=y+16; g_draw_frame(320,16,639,207,7,0,8,15,”虚拟世界”); g_draw_frame(320,207,639,399,7,0,8,15,”世代个体数目变化”); } void g_init_graph() /* 个体数进化图初始化 */ { g_rectangle(GX,GY,GX+GXR,GY+GYR,0,1); g_rectangle(GX,GY,GX+GXR,GY+GYR,6,0); setcolor(1); disp_hz16( “生物 1”,GX+5,GY-18,15); g_line(GX+90,GY-10,GX+110,GY-10,1); setcolor(4); disp_hz16( “生物 2”,GX+120,GY-18,15); g_line(GX+205,GY-10,GX+225,GY-10,4); setcolor(0); disp_hz16(“世代数”,GX+168,GY+GYR+10,15); g_text(GX-25,GY,0,”100″); g_text(GX-14,GY+GYR,0,”0″); } void g_plot_population(gen_num,n1,n2,n1old,n2old) int gen_num,n1,n2,n1old,n2old; { int x,y,gx,gy,x_old,y_old; char text[8]; if(gen_num%10==0) { x=GX+(gen_num-1)*GSTEP; g_line(x,GY+1,x,GY+GYR-1,1); sprintf(text,”%d”,gen_num); if(gen_num<100||gen_num%20==0) g_text(x-8,GY+GYR+5,15,text); } x_old=GX+(gen_num-1)*GSTEP; x=x_old+GSTEP; y_old=GY+GYR-n1old; y=GY+GYR-n1; g_line(x_old,y_old,x,y,1); y_old=GY+GYR-n2old; y=GY+GYR-n2; g_line(x_old,y_old,x,y,4); } void g_disp_genotype() /* 显示最佳个体的遗传基因型 */ { int i,j,n0,n1,x,y; unsigned char g[G_LENGTH]; unsigned char bits[12][2]= { {0,0},{1,4},{5,6},{7,8},{9,11},{12,12},{13,15}, {16,18},{19,21},{22,24},{25,27},{28,31}}; /* 画面消除 */ g_rectangle(200,187,319,398,7,1); if(pop_size!=0) { /* 获取各遗传因子 */ for(i=0;i<G_LENGTH;i++) { n0=0;n1=0; for(j=0;jif(gene[j] [ i]==0) n0++; else n1++; if(n0>=n1) g [ i]=0; else g [ i]=1; }
x=220; for(i=0;i<12;i++) { y=202+i*16; for(j=bits [ i][0];j<=bits [ i][1];j++) if(g[j]==0) g_text(x+(j-bits [ i][0])*16,y,4,”0″); else g_text(x+(j-bits [ i][0])*16,y,4,”1″); } } } void g_disp_char(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,v) int x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2; unsigned char v; { char c[10]; if(x>=x1&& x<=x2-8 && y>=y1 && y<=y2-10) { switch(v) { case 0: strcpy(c,”0″);break; case 1: strcpy(c,”+”);break; case 2: strcpy(c,”-“);break; case 3: strcpy(c,”x”); } g_text(x,y,15,c); } } void remove_life(n) /* 消除第n个个体 */ int n; { iflg[n]=0; world[iatr[n][0]][iatr[n][1]]=0; g_disp_unit(iatr[n][0],iatr[n][1],0); if(food_size+1<=MAX_FOOD) { food_size++; fatr[food_size-1][0]=iatr[n][0]; fatr[food_size-1][1]=iatr[n][1]; fatr[food_size-1][2]=1; fatr[food_size-1][3]=0; fflg[food_size-1]=1; world[iatr[n][0]][iatr[n][1]]=5; g_disp_unit(iatr[n][0],iatr[n][1],5); } } void remove_food(n) /* 消除第n个食物 */ int n; { fflg[n]=0; world[fatr[n][0]][fatr[n][1]]=0; g_disp_unit(fatr[n][0],fatr[n][1],0); } void make_lives_and_foods() /* 设置虚拟环境中生物与食物 */ { int x,y,i,j; pop_size=0; food_size=0; for(y=0;y<wy;y++) for(x=0;x<wx;x++) { if(world[x][y]==1||world[x][y]==2) { if(pop_size+1<=MAX_POP) { pop_size++; /* 生成遗传因子 */ gene[pop_size-1][0]=world[x][y]-1; for(i=1;i<G_LENGTH;i++) gene[pop_size-1] [ i]=random(2); /* 设定属性 */ iatr[pop_size-1][0]=x; iatr[pop_size-1][1]=y; iatr[pop_size-1][2]=70+random(30); iatr[pop_size-1][3]=random(SL_MIN); } } if(world[x][y]==3||world[x][y]==5) { if(food_size+1<=MAX_FOOD) { food_size++; /* 设定属性 */ fatr[food_size-1][0]=x; fatr[food_size-1][1]=y; if(world[x][y]==3) fatr[food_size-1][2]=0; else fatr[food_size-1][2]=1; fatr[food_size-1][3]=random(TL1-1)+1; } } } } void find_empty(x,y) /* 寻找虚拟环境中的空处,返回坐标 */ int *x,*y; { int ok; ok=0; while(ok==0) { *x=random(wx);*y=random(wy); if(world[*x][*y]==0) ok=1; } } void make_world() /* 随机设定人工环境 */ { int i,j,k,num,x,y; int ok,overlap; char choice[3]; double size; wx=0; while(wx<10||wx>MAX_WX) { setcolor(15); disp_hz16(“虚拟环境长度(10-60)”,10,210,20); gscanf(300,210,4,0,3,”%s”,choice); wx=atoi(choice); } wy=0; while(wy<10||wy>MAX_WY) { setcolor(15); disp_hz16(“虚拟环境宽度(10-32)”,10,240,20); gscanf(300,240,4,0,3,”%s”,choice); wy=atoi(choice); } for(i=0;i<wy;i++) for(j=0;j<wx;j++) if(i==0||i==wy-1||j==0||j==wx-1) world[j] [ i]=4; else world[j] [ i]=0; /* 设定障碍物 */ size=(double)(wx*wy); num=(int)(size/40.0); if(num>MAX_POP) num=MAX_POP; for(i=0;i<num;i++) { find_empty(&x,&y); world[x][y]=4; } num=(int)(size/5.0); if(num>MAX_FOOD) num=MAX_FOOD; for(i=0;i<num;i++) { ok=0; while(ok==0) { x=random(wx);y=random(wy); if((world[x][y]!=4) && (world[x][y-1]==4 || world[x][y+1]==4 || world[x-1][y]==4 || world[x+1][y]==4)) { world[x][y]=4; ok=1; } } } for(y=0;y<wy;y++) for(x=0;x<wx;x++) if(world[x][y]==0) { num=0; for(i=-1;i<=1;i++) for(j=-1;j<=1;j++) if(get_world(x+j,y+i)==4) num++; if(num>=6) world[x][y]=4; } /* 设定生物 */ num=(int)(size*R_LIFE); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { find_empty(&x,&y); world[x][y]=random(2)+1; } /* 设定食物 */ num=(int)(size*R_FOOD); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { find_empty(&x,&y); world[x][y]=3; } } void load_world_file() /* 读取虚拟环境数据文件设定 */ { FILE *fopen(),*fpt; char st[100],c; int i,j; if((fpt=fopen(“\ga\world”,”r”))==NULL) exit(-1); else { fscanf(fpt,”%d”,&wx); fscanf(fpt,”%d”,&wy); for(i=0;i<wy;i++) for(j=0;j<wx;j++) fscanf(fpt,”%d”,&world[j] [ i]); fclose(fpt);
} } int get_world(x,y) /*坐标(x,y)处环境值 */ int x,y; { if(x>=0 && x<wx && y>=0 && y<wy) return(world[x][y]); else return(-1); } int decode_gene(n,sb,bw) /* 第n个个体基因型解码 */ int n,sb,bw; /* sb开始位 bw位长 */ { int i,sum; sum=0; for(i=sb;i<sb+bw;i++) sum=sum*2+gene[n] [ i]; return(sum); } void move_pos(n,x1,y1,x2,y2) /* 个体n从(x1,y1)移动到(x2,y2) */ int n,x1,y1,x2,y2; { int sp,loss; loss=decode_gene(n,12,1)+1; /* 移动消耗 */ iatr[n][2]=iatr[n][2]-loss; /* 内部能量更新 */ if(iatr[n][2]<=0) remove_life(n); else { /* 个体属性更新 */ iatr[n][0]=x2;iatr[n][1]=y2; /* x,y坐标更新 */ /* 显示更新 */ sp=gene[n][0]+1; g_disp_unit(x1,y1,0); /* 当前位置(x,y)图形消除 */ world[x1][y1]=0; g_disp_unit(x2,y2,sp); /* 新位置图形表示 */ world[x2][y2]=sp; } } void move_randomly(n) /* 个体n按照移动模式随机移动 */ int n; { /* 基本移动模式1 */ int pat1[8][2]={{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1}, {-1,0},{-1,-1},{0,-1},{1,-1}}; /* 基本移动模式2与3 */ int pat2_3[2][4][2]={{{1,0},{0,1},{-1,0},{0,-1}}, {{1,1},{-1,1},{-1,-1},{1,-1}}}; int pat,x1,y1,x2,y2,rndnum; pat=decode_gene(n,7,2); /* pat(0,1,2,3): 表示基本移动模式 */ x1=iatr[n][0]; /* 当前x坐标 */ y1=iatr[n][1]; /* 当前y坐标 */ if(pat<=1) /* 基本移动模式1 */ { rndnum=random(8); x2=x1+pat1[rndnum][0]; /* 移动目的点x坐标 */ y2=y1+pat1[rndnum][1]; /* 移动目的点y坐标 */ } else /* 基本移动模式2与3 */ { rndnum=random(4); x2=x1+pat2_3[pat-2][rndnum][0]; y2=y1+pat2_3[pat-2][rndnum][1]; } if(x2>=0 && x2<wx && y2>=0 && y2<wy) if(get_world(x2,y2)==0) move_pos(n,x1,y1,x2,y2); /* 非法目的点的场合不作移动 */ } void move_individual(n) /* 个体n移动 */ int n; { int cx,cy,dx,dy,sp,vf,sumx,sumy; int i,j,a,sgn[3],num; double vect[8][2]={{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1}, {-1,0},{-1,-1},{0,-1},{1,-1}}; double vx,vy,d1,d2; double _cos,cos_max; cx=iatr[n][0]; /* 当前x坐标 */ cy=iatr[n][1]; /* 当前y坐标 */ sp=decode_gene(n,0,1)+1; /* 生物种1和2 */ for(i=0;i<3;i++) /* 移动特点CM */ { sgn [ i]=decode_gene(n,9+i,1); if(sgn [ i]==0) sgn [ i]=-1; } sumx=0;sumy=0;num=0; vf=decode_gene(n,5,2)+1; /* 视野 */ for(i=-vf;i<=vf;i++) for(j=-vf;j<=vf;j++) { if(i!=0||j!=0) { a=get_world(cx+j,cy+i); if(a==1||a==2) /* 生物 1和2 */ { num++; if(a==sp) /* 同种生物 */ { sumx=sumx+sgn[0]*j; sumy=sumy+sgn[0]*i; } else /* 异种生物 */ { sumx=sumx+sgn[1]*j; sumy=sumy+sgn[1]*i; } } else if(a==3||a==5) /* 食物 */ { num++; sumx=sumx+sgn[2]*j; sumy=sumy+sgn[2]*i; } } } if(num!=0) /* 视野内有其他生物和食物时 */ { vx=(double)sumx/(double)num; vy=(double)sumy/(double)num; if(vx!=0||vy!=0) { cos_max=-1.0; j=0; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { d1=sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy); d2=sqrt(vect [ i][0]*vect [ i][0]+vect [ i][1]*vect [ i][1]); _cos=(vx*vect [ i][0]+vy*vect [ i][1])/d1/d2; if(_cos>cos_max) { cos_max=_cos;j=i; } } dx=cx+(int)vect[j][0]; dy=cy+(int)vect[j][1]; if(dx>=0 && dx<wx && dy>=0 && dy<wy) if(world[dx][dy]==0) move_pos(n,cx,cy,dx,dy); } else move_randomly(n); } else move_randomly(n); /* 视野内有其他生物和食物时 */ } void act1_attack(n) /* 个体 n攻击行动范围内的其他生物个体 */ int n; { int sft[8][2]={{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1}, {-1,0},{-1,-1},{0,-1},{1,-1}}; int x1,y1,x2,y2,n2; int found,rndnum; double attack1,attack2,sa1,sa2,da1,da2,rnd1,rnd2,La1,La2; x1=iatr[n][0];y1=iatr[n][1]; /* 获得攻击对象的坐标(x2,y2) */ found=0; while(found==0) { rndnum=random(8); x2=x1+sft[rndnum][0]; y2=y1+sft[rndnum][1]; if(get_world(x2,y2)==1||get_world(x2,y2)==2) found=1; } /* 检查攻击对象个体号n2 */ found=0;n2=0; while(found==0) { if(iatr[n2][0]==x2 && iatr[n2][1]==y2 && iflg[n2]==1) found=1; else n2++; }
/* 计算双方的 Attack量 */ sa1=(double)decode_gene(n,19,3); da1=(double)decode_gene(n,22,3); sa2=(double)decode_gene(n2,19,3); da2=(double)decode_gene(n2,22,3); rnd1=(double)random(1001)/1000.0; rnd2=(double)random(1001)/1000.0; attack1=(double)iatr[n][2]+sa1*20.0/7.0*rnd1+da1*20.0/7.0*rnd2; rnd1=(double)random(1001)/1000.0; rnd2=(double)random(1001)/1000.0; attack2=(double)iatr[n2][2]+sa2*20.0/7.0*rnd1+da2*20.0/7.0*rnd2; /* 减少内部能量 */ La1=decode_gene(n,25,3); La2=decode_gene(n2,25,3); rnd1=(double)random(1001)/1000.0; iatr[n][2]=iatr[n][2]-(int)((double)La1*rnd1); rnd2=(double)random(1001)/1000.0; iatr[n2][2]=iatr[n2][2]-(int)((double)La2*rnd2); if(attack1>=attack2) /* 胜者: n 败者:n2 */ iatr[n2][2]=iatr[n2][2]-40; else /* 胜者: n2 败者:n */ iatr[n][2]=iatr[n][2]-40; if(iatr[n][2]<=0) remove_life(n); if(iatr[n2][2]<=0) remove_life(n2); } void act2_eat(n) /* 个体n获取行动范围内的食物 */ int n; { int sft[8][2]={{1,0},{1,1},{0,1},{-1,1}, {-1,0},{-1,-1},{0,-1},{1,-1}}; int x1,y1,x2,y2,n2,ef; int found,rndnum; x1=iatr[n][0];y1=iatr[n][1]; /* 获取食物位置(x2,y2) */ found=0; while(found==0) { rndnum=random(8); x2=x1+sft[rndnum][0]; y2=y1+sft[rndnum][1]; if(get_world(x2,y2)==3||get_world(x2,y2)==5) found=1; } /* 增加内部能量 */ ef=decode_gene(n,28,4); /* 食物吸取效率 */ iatr[n][2]=iatr[n][2]+(int)(40.0*(50.0+(double)ef*50.0/15.0)/100.0); if(iatr[n][2]>100) iatr[n][2]=100; /* 检查食物号n2 */ found=0;n2=0; while(found==0) { if(fatr[n2][0]==x2 && fatr[n2][1]==y2 && fflg[n2]==1) found=1; else n2++; } remove_food(n2); } void act3_makechild(n) /* 个体n与行动范围内的其他生物个体交配产生子个体 */ int n; { int i,j,k,x,y,x2,y2,found,n2,trial; int x3,y3; double rnd; if(pop_size+1<=MAX_POP) { x=iatr[n][0];y=iatr[n][1]; found=0; while(found==0) { x2=x+random(3)-1; y2=y+random(3)-1; if(x2!=x||y2!=y) if(get_world(x2,y2)==gene[n][0]+1); found=1; } /* 检查交配对象个体号n2 */ found=0; n2=0; while(found==0) { if((iatr[n2][0]==x2 || iatr[n2][1]==y2) && iflg[n2]==1) found=1; else n2++; if(n2>=pop_size-1) return; } /* 确定产生个体位置 */ found=0;trial=0; while(found==0 && trial<50) { i=random(3)-1;j=random(3)-1; k=random(2); if(k==0) { x3=x+i;y3=y+j;} else { x3=x2+i;y3=y2+j;} if(get_world(x3,y3)==0) found=1; trial++; } if(found==1) { /* 个体 n与个体 n2产生子个体 */ pop_size++; /* 均匀交叉 */ uni_crossover(gene,n,n2,pop_size-1,0.5,G_LENGTH); /* 变异 */ for(i=1;i<G_LENGTH;i++) { rnd=random(10001)/10000.0; if(rnd<=MUTATION) if(gene[pop_size-1] [ i]==1) gene[pop_size-1] [ i]=0; else gene[pop_size-1] [ i]=1; } /* 交配后父个体能量减少 */ iatr[n][2]=iatr[n][2]-45; if(iatr[n][2]<=0) remove_life(n); iatr[n2][2]=iatr[n2][2]-45; if(iatr[n2][2]<=0) remove_life(n2); /* 子个体属性输入 */ iatr[pop_size-1][0]=x3; iatr[pop_size-1][1]=y3; iatr[pop_size-1][2]=100; iatr[pop_size-1][3]=0; iflg[pop_size-1]=1; /* 子个体画面表示 */ world[x3][y3]=gene[pop_size-1][0]+1; g_disp_unit(x3,y3,gene[pop_size-1][0]+1); } } } void act_individual(n) /* 为行动范围内的其他生物和食物决定行动 */ int n; { int i,j,k,pattern,action,cr,ca; int act[3]; /* act[0]:攻击 act[1]:获取食物 act[2]:交配 */ int pat[6][3]={{1,2,3},{1,3,2},{2,1,3}, {3,1,2},{2,3,1},{3,2,1}}; /* pat:行动优先顺序 {攻击,获取食物,交配} */ int sp; double rnd; sp=decode_gene(n,0,1)+1; for(i=0;i<3;i++) act [ i]=0; for(i=-1;i<=1;i++) for(j=-1;j<=1;j++) { if(i!=0||j!=0) { k=get_world(iatr[n][0]+j,iatr[n][1]+i); if(k==1||k==2) act[0]=1; if(k==3||k==5) act[1]=1; if(k==sp) act[2]=1; } }
cr=decode_gene(n,16,3); rnd=(double)random(10001)/10000.0; if(rnd<=(double)cr/7.0) { action=random(3); while(act[action]==0) action=random(3); } else { ca=decode_gene(n,13,3); /* ca行动特点 */ if(ca<3) pattern=0;else pattern=ca-2; /* 基本行动模式pattern 0-5 */ i=0; action=pat[pattern] [ i]-1; while( act[action]==0) { i++; action=pat[pattern] [ i]-1; } } switch(action+1) { case 1: act1_attack(n);break; case 2: act2_eat(n);break; case 3: act3_makechild(n); } } void init_flags() /* 状态标志初始化 */ { int i; for(i=0;ifor(i=0;i<food_size;i++) fflg [ i]=1; } void act_lives() /* 改变状态(移动或行动) */ { int i,j,k,x,y,move,a; for(i=0;i{ if(iflg [ i]==1) { move=1; for(j=-1;j<=1;j++) for(k=-1;k<=1;k++) { if(j!=0||k!=0) { a=get_world(iatr [ i][0]+k,iatr [ i][1]+j); if(a==1||a==2||a==3||a==5) move=0; } } if(move==1) move_individual(i); else act_individual(i); } } } void increase_age() /* 个体年龄增1 */ { int i,j,s; for(i=0;i{ if(iflg [ i]==1) { j=decode_gene(i,1,4); s=SL_MIN+j; iatr [ i][3]++; if(iatr [ i][3]>s) remove_life(i); } } } void increase_frsh() /* 食物新鲜度增1 */ { int i; for(i=0;i<food_size;i++) if(fflg [ i]==1) { fatr [ i][3]++; if((fatr [ i][2]==0 && fatr [ i][3]>TL1)|| (fatr [ i][2]==1 && fatr [ i][3]>TL2)) remove_food(i); } } void gabage_col() /* 死去个体及消减食物清除*/ { int i,j; int new_pop,new_food; /* 检查食物 */ new_food=0; for(i=0;i<food_size;i++) if(fflg [ i]==1) { new_food++; for(j=0;j<4;j++) fatr[new_food-1][j]=fatr [ i][j]; } food_size=new_food; /* 检查个体 */ new_pop=0; for(i=0;iif(iflg [ i]==1) { new_pop++; /* 遗传基因复制 */ for(j=0;j<G_LENGTH;j++) gene[new_pop-1][j]=gene [ i][j]; /* 属性复制 */ for(j=0;j<4;j++) iatr[new_pop-1][j]=iatr [ i][j]; } pop_size=new_pop; } void make_foods() /* 产生一代中植物性食物 */ { int i,x,y; for(i=0;i<NEWFOODS;i++) { if(food_size+1<=MAX_FOOD) { food_size++; find_empty(&x,&y); fatr[food_size-1][0]=x; fatr[food_size-1][1]=y; fatr[food_size-1][2]=0; /* 植物性 */ fatr[food_size-1][3]=0; fflg[food_size-1]=1; world[x][y]=3; g_disp_unit(x,y,3); } } } void calc_population(n1,n2) /* 计算生物1和2 的个体数 */ int *n1,*n2; { int i,p1,p2; p1=0;p2=0; if(pop_size>0) for(i=0;iif(gene [ i][0]==0) p1++; else p2++; *n1=p1; *n2=p2; } main() /* 主程序 */ { int i,work; int n1,n2,n1old,n2old; char choice[2]; randomize(); /* 图形界面初始化 */ g_init(); settextstyle(0,0,4); gprintf(220,20,4,0,”ALIFE”); setcolor(9); disp_hz24(“基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟”,150,60,25); setcolor(15); disp_hz16(“人工环境及生物分布”,10,160,20); disp_hz16(“1:随机产生 2: 读文件产生 ==>”,10,190,20); gscanf(300,190,15,1,4,”%s”,choice); work=atoi(choice); if(work==2) load_world_file();else make_world(); make_lives_and_foods(); /*状态初始化 */ init_flags(); /*计算个体数 */ calc_population(&n1old,&n2old); /*生成初始画面*/ g_init_frames(); /*虚拟世界画面*/ g_draw_world(); /* 显示初始图形 */ g_init_graph(); for(i=1;i<121;i++) { /*状态初始化 */ init_flags(); /* 改变状态(移动或行动) */ act_lives(); /* 个体年龄增加 */ increase_age(); /* 食物新鲜度增加 */ increase_frsh(); /*死去个体及消减食物清除*/ gabage_col(); /*产生新的食物 */ make_foods(); /* 求生物1和2 的个体数 */ calc_population(&n1,&n2); /* 个体数变化的图形更新 */ g_plot_population(i,n1,n2,n1old,n2old); n1old=n1;n2old=n2; /* 显示最佳遗传基因 */ g_disp_genotype(); } setcolor(9); disp_hz16(“回车键结束”,10,430,20); getch(); }
java jgap实例 package demo; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import org.jgap.Chromosome; import org.jgap.Configuration; import org.jgap.FitnessFunction; import org.jgap.Gene; import org.jgap.Genotype; import org.jgap.IChromosome; import org.jgap.UnsupportedRepresentationException; import org.jgap.data.DataTreeBuilder; import org.jgap.data.IDataCreators; import org.jgap.impl.DefaultConfiguration; import org.jgap.impl.IntegerGene; import org.jgap.xml.XMLDocumentBuilder; import org.jgap.xml.XMLManager; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import examples.MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction; /** * Copyright: youhow.net (c) 2005-2008 * Company: youhow.net * * 遗传算法DEMO * 从文件读取数字进行排序 * * @version 1.0 (2008-6-12 neo(starneo@gmail.com)) */ public class GaDemo { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //构型 Configuration conf = new DefaultConfiguration(); // Care that the fittest individual of the current population is // always taken to the next generation. // Consider: With that, the pop. size may exceed its original // size by one sometimes! // ….- conf.setPreservFittestIndividual(true); // Set the fitness function we want to use, which is our // MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction. We construct it with // the target amount of change passed in to this method. // …– FitnessFunction myFunc = new GaDemoFitnessFunction(); conf.setFitnessFunction(myFunc); Gene[] sampleGenes = new Gene[2]; sampleGenes[0] = new IntegerGene(conf,0,9999999); sampleGenes[1] = new IntegerGene(conf,0,9999999); IChromosome sampleChromosome = new Chromosome(conf, sampleGenes); conf.setSampleChromosome(sampleChromosome); conf.setPopulationSize(80); Genotype population; try { Document doc = XMLManager.readFile(new File(“GADEMO.xml”)); population = XMLManager.getGenotypeFromDocument(conf, doc); } catch (UnsupportedRepresentationException uex) { // JGAP codebase might have changed between two consecutive runs. // ….– population = Genotype.randomInitialGenotype(conf); } catch (FileNotFoundException fex) { population = Genotype.randomInitialGenotype(conf); } // Evolve the population. Since we don’t know what the best answer // is going to be, we just evolve the max number of times. // ….— long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { population.evolve(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(“Total evolution time: ” + (endTime – startTime) + ” ms”); IChromosome bestSolutionSoFar = population.getFittestChromosome(); System.out.println(“\t” + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 0)); System.out.println(“\t” + MinimizingMakeChangeFitnessFunction.getNumberOfCoinsAtGene(bestSolutionSoFar, 1)); DataTreeBuilder builder = DataTreeBuilder.getInstance(); IDataCreators doc2 = builder.representGenotypeAsDocument(population); // create XML document from generated tree XMLDocumentBuilder docbuilder = new XMLDocumentBuilder(); Document xmlDoc = (Document) docbuilder.buildDocument(doc2); XMLManager.writeFile(xmlDoc, new File(“GADEMO.xml”)); } }
package demo; import org.jgap.FitnessFunction; import org.jgap.IChromosome; /** * Copyright: youhow.net (c) 2005-2008 * Company: youhow.net * * GaDemoFitnessFunction class说明 * * @version 1.0 (2008-6-12 neo(starneo@gmail.com)) */ public class GaDemoFitnessFunction extends FitnessFunction { /** * Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * @see org.jgap.FitnessFunction#evaluate(org.jgap.IChromosome) */ @Override protected double evaluate(IChromosome a_subject) { int totalCoins = 1; int numberOfGenes = a_subject.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGenes; i++) { totalCoins += (Integer) a_subject.getGene(i).getAllele(); } return totalCoins; } }/*全部完成*/